Failed iPhone panorama


It´s not really recommended using this feature when the photographer is sitting in a moving bus!!  If you insist anyway the result just might turn out interesting..  Älvsborgsbron/Gothenburg

180° Gothenburg panorama

iphone april5 010ps

The so called “Lilla Bommen” in central parts of town. The ship to the right is barken Viking.  Here you also will find the opera, the guest marina and the red and white building “the lippstick”

Gothenburg harbour tonight

24 mars iphone 040ps

I was accompanied by this light when returning home by bike from dance-class along the river a couple of hours ago.

Handy to pick up the iPhone and try out a vertical panorama.  Gothenburg March 24  18:23.

Game of shadows

iphone 16 mars 025ps

In a failed attempt to make some sort of panorama of the bridge I took this one just when the car passed by.

I liked the shadow game in it. straightened up some lines in PS and converted to black and white.

Crop from iPhone.