Back on track?

5d 27sept track

Looks obvious and easy but….. Gothenburg/tram city.  Bangatan from yesterdays evenings walk.

Between jobs


Gothenburg is divided by the river “Göta Älv”. I often use the shuttle ferry when I need to go over to Hisingen island. Used the iPhone to catch the combination of the icy cold water today and that colorful January light.

Gothenburg trough Iphone

iphone bilder 012 copy

Getting rid of my extremely old and dum mobile for a new shining smart apple thing. Had to try the camera abilities.

Took a shot at Majorna and gave it some treatment with a PS filter..

Gothenburg twilight

It´s not always necessary to go to The Seychelles or Cuba for a nice scenery. I have a live postcard waiting all the time just 2 minutes from where I live in Masthugget, Gothenburg.

This view over Majorna and Älvsborgsbron constantly changes according to weather or light conditions. Those who follow my blog have seen it before and will most probably see it again.

This pic was shot today at 16:10.   click on image for more detail

A room with a view!

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24 hour Swedish winter light show,  free of charge!

Camera on tripod from my kitchen window.